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"Orchids of Madagascar" with Mary Gerritsen

When: March 13th @ 2:00 PM

Where: via Zoom (coordinates to be posted soon)

Who: Mary Gerritsen "Orchids of Madagascar"

Join us for a tour of Mary's journey hunting orchids in Madagascar.


Mary Gerritsen, Ph.D. is an independent biotechnology consultant who has been growing orchids (mostly species) on and off for more than 30 years, and since relocating to the San Francisco Bay area in 1997 started to a collection of small cool growing miniature species such as Masdevallias, Porroglossums, Lepanthes, and other assorted tiny gems. She also has a second intermediate greenhouse, filled with larger species such as Angraecoids, Dendrobiums, Oncidiums, Laelias, Phalaenopsis, and Bulbophyllum. She loves to see orchids growing in situ and has made it her mission over the last few years to see as many as possible, with trips to see and photograph orchids (and other flora as well) in Canada, many parts of the USA, and Mexico, and countries in Central America (Costa Rica, Panama), South America (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela), South East Asia (Borneo, southern and southwestern China, Sulawesi, northern Thailand, Papua New Guinea), western Australia, Europe (Crete, Cyprus, Germany, Mallorca, Rhodes, and Sicily) as well as South Africa and Madagascar.

She is the co-author of several botanical books: Masdevallias, Gems of the Orchid World; Calochortus, Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives; A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species; A Bay Area Guide to Orchids and Their Culture; and the American Orchid Society Guide to Orchid and their Culture, with fellow San Francisco Orchid Society Member and well-known photographer, Ron Parsons.

Mary is on the board of directors of the Orchid Digest, the chief operating officer, and treasurer of the Orchid Conservation Alliance, and is also a member of the American Orchid Society, the San Franciso Orchid Society, the Peninsula Orchid Society, and the Pleurothallid Alliance.

Zoom Link for Sunday, March 13th, 2pm afternoon’s meeting with guest speaker is as follows.

Axel Graumann is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: WNCOS Presents: Mary Gerritsen; Orchids Of Madagascar

Time: Mar 13, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Earlier Event: February 8
February Zoom Meeting - Ron Parsons
Later Event: April 10
April Meeting with Eric Sauer