December 2023 Newsletter

With our annal WNCOS Holiday Social planned for Sunday, December 10th (see details below), it’s time to celebrate a fabulous 2023 and look forward to so much more for ’24. WNCOS Vice President Bob Hydzik, along with a team of dedicated board members, is working hard to schedule another standout year. There will be speakers, shows, auctions, swap meets and more!

And on to the party! Leslie and I invite all members and their significant others to join us at our home for the annual cover-dish WNCOS Holiday Social—on Sunday, December 10th, from 1:00 to 3:00. We will supply the traditional sliced meats, ham and turkey, as well as light beverages. We ask that members bring a favorite dish to share, and any additional festive spirits they so desire. Also, a Holiday Orchid Raffle will send each member home with a special orchid surprise!

The annual Holiday Social is a great time to sit back and relax, visit with your fellow orchid enthusiasts. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to my email See address details below:

Leslie Keller and Graham Ramsey

53 Crowningway Drive

Asheville 28804

Graham’s cell 828-691-1121

One last bit of housekeeping: It’s that time of year to pay your annual dues for 2024. It’s been a great year for WNCOS membership, with both old and new members filling our ranks. Please help to keep up our robust membership by renewing for ’24. There are three ways to renew: 1) Bring cash or check to the Holiday Social or the next meeting you attend, 2) mail a check to PO Box 874, Asheville NC, 28802, or 3) visit and use PayPal. Membership is $25 for a individual, $35 for a household.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you at the social!

Graham Ramsey


Western North Carolina Orchid Society