September Special Announcement

This is a very important announcement that I mistakenly left out of the September newsletter. A special supplemental WNCOS meeting will take place on September 28th. The Carolina Judging Center team will be here for an American Orchid Society judging event. I strongly encourage you to come. If you have an orchid in bloom that might be a winner, bring it in and let the judges do what they do best. Our CJC judges are very generous with their vast knowledge of orchids. Whether you bring in a plant or not, everyone will walk away a better grower from what you will learn.

This supplemental meeting will take place on SATURDAY, September28th at the Asheville Visitor Center, NOT the new meeting location. Plant registration is from 11:00am –12:00pm. Judging will start around 12:00pm. Please come and support our local judging center. Who knows…you may walk away with an AOS award.